Fall and Winter Programs

I want to be a VI!

The Volunteer Instructor (VI) Team at MCSC is made up of experienced sailors and generous members who provide on-boat instruction for adult beginners. Our Sailing Center could not exist without them. What does it mean to be a VI? How much time is suggested? What skills are important to have? In this session‚ you’ll learn about what it takes to VI and the grand benefits that come from it. This is a required seminar for anyone wanting to become a VI‚ but existing VIs are also welcome to attend as a refresher or to share their own experiences.

This seminar is free and includes light refreshments‚ but attendees must be members with 5 years of active sailing experience and a Heavy Air Rating.
Class Size
Minimum 10 - Maximum 40
6:00 to 8:00pm
Course Fee
New VIs
April 17‚ 2025
6:00 to 8:00pm
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