2023/2024 Winter Seminars and Classes

The Denis Sullivan: Origin‚ Past & Future

Lifelong Milwaukee sailor Terry McMahon has been part of the history of the Schooner Denis Sullivan since its inception. Terry was part of the ad-hoc group that formed to build the boat‚ worked to make an onboard education program for Milwaukee sailors during its time at Discovery World‚ and remains connected as a director at the World Ocean School‚ the new steward of the boat. Terry will recount the origin and history of Milwaukee’s flagship sailing vessel‚ talk about the adventure and challenges of managing a large sailing ship‚ and paint the future of the Denis Sullivan‚ including plans to grow the fledgling partnership between MCSC and World Oceans School.

Special guests‚ MCSC youth sailors Blue Madson and Luca Bargenquast‚ will share their own stories of sailing the Sullivan off Boston this past summer.

This is a special social event and will include light refreshments. All proceeds will help fund scholarships for future MCSC youth experiences on the Denis Sullivan.
Class Size
Minimum 15 - Maximum 40
October 26‚ 6-8 pm
Course Fee
The Denis Sullivan
October 26‚ 2023
6-8 pm
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